Wednesday, July 21, 2010

0 Andy Griffith Museum Gets Visit from Actress Betty Lynn

Thelma Lou Barney Fife

The actress who played "Thelma Lou" on The Andy Griffith Show, Betty Lynn, is making a series of appearances at the new Andy Griffith Museum.

Lynn will meet with her fans, reminisce about her role on the show, and sign autographs the third Tuesday of every month from July through September. Those dates are: July 20, Aug. 17 and Sept. 21. She will also appear for a special visit on Oct. 3. That day will mark the 50th anniversary of the show's debut - Oct. 3, 1960.

The museum is located at 218 Rockford Street, next door to the Andy Griffith Playhouse and a half-mile from the actor's boyhood home.

Admission to the museum is $3 per person. Lynn will autograph 8"x10" glossy photos for $10 a piece. Individual photos of Lynn are not permitted to be taken because photography is not allowed inside the museum.

For more information, call (336) 786-7998 or visit:

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